M.J.Hall is one of the longest-running surplus lines brokerage firms in the US. We represent 75+ insurance carriers and offer products covering the most typical to the most unique risks imaginable. M.J. Hall continues to approach transportation-focused carriers so we can offer the best coverages and pricing possible for your clients. Our market penetration, speed to market, and turnaround time are unmatched.
This classification includes operations primarily engaged in providing guard and patrol services, such as bodyguard, guard dog, and parking security services.
Security guard and patrol services (including off-duty police officers) providing armed or unarmed security personnel, with or without animals, and firearms training/certification schools. Unarmed Courier services are eligible when part of the overall operation.
Coverages & Exposures:
• Alarm Monitoring.
• Animals.
• Assault & Battery Coverage.
• Errors and Omissions Coverage.
• Firearms Training/Certification Schools.
• Licensing and employee background checks, as required by state or federal agencies. Armed personnel must be certified for use of firearms by the appropriate state agency or firearms certification school.
• Lost Key Coverage.
• Property Damage Extension Endorsement.
• Use of Stun Guns and Tasers.
Security Operations at:
• Apartments
• Banks
• Churches
• Construction Sites
• Hotels & Motels
• Industrial Sites
• Movie Theaters
• Offices
• Sport stadiums or arenas
• Transportation terminals other than airports
• Unarmed guards in retail areas (i.e., stores, fast food restaurants, malls and shopping centers), including parking lot security
• Warehouses